
查看: 973| 评论: 0| 发布者: 藤语风 |原作者: Lunumbra |来自: BoredPanDa.com

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简介:Hi there.My internet handle is Lunumbra and I refurbish Pokemon cards. I take old, damaged Pokemon cards and alter them with acrylic paints to breathe new life into them. I have redone cards that peop ...

Hi there. 

My internet handle is Lunumbra and I refurbish Pokemon cards. I take old, damaged Pokemon cards and alter them with acrylic paints to breathe new life into them. I have redone cards that people have had with them for nearly two decades (the original cards came out in 1999) that were severely damaged with wrinkles or scratches. There are some cards that I have done to have a combined background that continues across all the cards (see examples below) so that the person and, on most occasions their significant other, can have two halves of the same work. I've worked with clients who have had their groomsmen's favorite cards painted for gifts and parents who are handing down their old cards to their children and request I make them a little more colorful. 

Anyway, that's what I do. Each card takes about an hour or so, depending of course on the complexity. Most cards were donated to me or commissioned to be done or ordered specifically to be painted. They are all hand-done with acrylic paints on real cards and glossed afterward with a sealant. 

Thanks for reading.

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